除了游泳,很多網友其實也是「跑友」。今年苗圃挑戰12小時將於11月3日舉行,設有42,26及12公里的賽事 (衛奕信徑第3段至第8段),現誠意邀請各位跑友參加。在參與長跑活動之際,我們更可以為資助內地貧困學生作出一分力。歡迎網上報名,7月31日前報名更可有提早報名優惠。
「苗圃行動」於 1992 年9月在香港註冊成立(稅局檔號:91/3859),是一個非宗教、非政治、非牟利的慈善機構。苗圃挑戰12小時是「苗圃行動」,每年一度的大型步行籌款活動,自2000年開始,至今已舉行了十四屆,本年已邁向十五屆,而每屆的活動約有1,500-2,000名參加者。活動所籌得的善款是全數用作改善山區教育工作,讓內地山區貧困學生完成學業。
請代為通知各方好友,並歡迎將活動上載與貴跑會通訊/網頁。詳細活動內容請參閱附件海報,或瀏覽 https://c12hrs.sowers.hk/,或致電25974739與凌小姐聯絡。
Challenging 12 Hours will be held on Sunday November 3 this year, and runners may participate in the Full Marathon (42km), Half Marathon (26km), or 12km races (Wilson Trail sections 3 to 8). We are hereby sincerely inviting athletes in the club to participate, not only as a race event, but also to make a solid and visible contribution to the education of students in the rural regions of China. Registration can be completed online, with early bird discount for registrations on or before July 31.
Please kindly forward this invitation to all interested parties, and you are welcome to post this event on your club’s website and notices. For details, please kindly refer to the attached poster, or email to https://c12hrs.sowers.hk/, or call Ms. Ling at 25974739.